How Good Plumbing Creates an Eco-Friendly Home
Maintain your pipes
It’s important to make sure your pipes are maintained and working properly. Leaking water may seem like a small issue—maybe a few drips every now and then from a tap, or a few drops from the hallway ceiling—but it can be more serious than it seems. Plumbing is usually considered only when there is a clear, immediate issue, but often these issues build up over time. Damaged pipes waste a lot of water and can cause incredible damage if left for too long.
When you’ve settled into a new home, you’d assume that everything is running smoothly. What you may not see is the pipes could have cracked and eroded over the years since it was built, and you won’t know until the bathroom is flooded. It’s vital to reduce water wastage by making sure your pipes are in proper working order. Don’t wait for a noise from your wall that’s “probably just a rat” to turn into flash flood. As soon as there’s a sign something may be wrong with your pipes, call the plumber so they can identify any issues and avoid future problems of water leakage and wastage, rather than fixing the problems that were left to escalate.

Solar heating
Regular maintenance keeps the pipes working properly to avoid damage and save water, but why not go the extra mile? The world is moving toward a sustainable future, and over the decades we have seen a huge increase in solar panels on homes.
There’s no better way for water to be heated than naturally, by the sun. Not only will this one change make a huge impact on the amount of gas or electricity you’re using in your home, it’ll be easier on your wallet too. Solar power is a change that should be considered in more homes as it benefits both the environment and the homeowners directly.

Time for some changes?
Whether you need your pipes checked, repaired, or want to switch to solar heating, it’s time to reduce wasted water. We want to see a sustainable world in which water is saved through simple long-term practices, instead of impacting our everyday lives with various restrictions on usage.
If you’re interested in reducing your water wastage and your bills, talk to us about how our professional plumbing service can make your home eco-friendly.